Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Zendala Dare 47 - "Losing It"

I love this template and the additional challenge of losing some of it. I decided to include the template with my post instead of linking to it as it was easier to draw the parts lost than to describe it in words. The parts highlighted in pink (sorry it's so shaky caused by shaky mouse operator) are the parts that I "lost".

Tangles used: Black pearls, Claws, Joy, Pearls, Pepper (modified), and Squid.

I was so busy last week that I didn't get a chance to look at all the posts for Dare 46 and I haven't looked at dare 47 either. However I was having fun. I had my son and his family staying with me. His kids are the ones that inspired me to create my two tangles. So I spent some time tangling with them. We did a lot of skiing together.

After they left we had a huge dump of snow here in SW Alberta. There was a total of 80 cms that fell in 3 days. So of course I had to go skiing again. I have skied 7 times in the last 10 days, 4 times downhill and 3 times Nordic. It's great to be retired.

Now I have some quilting and some interior decorating that is demanding my attention, so I might not be posting zentangles in the next little while. But there may be some quilting posts! After all I am The Quilting Tangler!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Zendala Dare 46

Did this in a hurry this morning while my house guests were out. So I kept it small and simple. The template can be found at template.
Tangles used were: Brax, Pepper and Puff.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Zendala Dare 45 number 2

Well, I had time today to toss off another one for number 45. It makes a difference when you use the small template. But it is harder to find tangles that work in the tiny spaces. I actually followed all the lines in this one - no erasures or add-ons. For the template see Bright Owl.

Diva Challenge 107 - Quandary / Zendala Dare 45

This time I did it without making a mistake - I used this week's Zendala template (Bright Owl) for the Diva's Challenge - one for two. I posted the last Diva Challenge late in the week. If you missed it and would like to see it go to Snake.

The Diva's challenge (see Quandary) was to use the new tangle "Quandary" in a tile. I had to practise this one quite a bit before I felt confident to use it for real. But by the time I finished drawing this zendala it was flowing effortlessly off my pen. The zendala darers will notice that I erased some lines to make larger areas for my tangles. I had fun colouring this one getting the yellow to shade to red.

Tangles used: Quandary; Verve; Nightsbridge (variation) and Emilie.

Update: I have just finished looking at the posts for Quandary prior to mine. I am amazed at the number of variations that have been created. I had enough to do to get the basic drawing right. But next time I use Quandary I will try for more than just basic.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Diva Challenge 106 - Year of the Snake

To coincide with the Chinese new year for the year of the snake, the Diva challenged us to make a tile that was snake related. You can find the challenge described at challenge 106.

Tangles used: Fescu, Mssst, Scrawls, Sedgeling, Verve, Zinger, and, up in the left-hand corner, my new tangle "Zoya". This one is dedicated to my six year old granddaughter who is always asking "Teach me another tangle Grammy." She loves to tangle in colour with all my fancy pens. For how to draw "Zoya" see below.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Zendala Dare 44

This zendala was drawn using Erin's template that you can find at The Bright Owl
Tangles used were: Heartrope and Verve. As Valentine's day is this week I included some hearts.
I thought at first that I wasn't going to be able to do this today because I couldn't print the template. But a good friend of mine who is exceptionally computer savvy answered my cry for help and came and fixed things for me. Thank you John.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Diva Challenge 105 - Dansk

This challenge was posted by Laura Harms at Diva Challenge 105.

The challenge was to use Margaret Bremner's tangle Dansk somewhere on your tile. I also used Fang, Seljuk, and Zinger. For my string I used number 2 from tanglepatterns.com. You can find it here.

Zendala Dare 43

The template for this zendala was by Erin at The Bright Owl. This time I used the full-sized template, much easier than the little one.

Once again a celtic knot appeared in my drawing. I had to curve a couple of straight lines in order to create it. Then something funny happened. I was planning to use Dansk as one of my tangles so that I could use the same drawing for the Diva's challenge (here) this week. I was confident that I knew how to draw Dansk and I went ahead and drew it all over the zendala.  Of course you will have noticed that I actually drew Verve, not Dansk. Haha. So my plan will not work.

Update: I forgot that there was an extra challenge this week and we were supposed to draw something that made us feel like an artist. I think I would say that it is the shading and colouring that I feel is most artistic. That and changing things - making the celtic knot in this drawing. And, now I think about it, making things look shiny. So, unintentionally, I did do the challenge after all.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Diva Challenge 104 Use TP string 003

When I saw that this string was one continuous line, I thought, ahha, another celtic knot. However this one was quite tricky, especially in the bottom left where the angles are so acute. In the end I had to make the angles less acute so that I could get the unders and overs going the right way. It turned into a kind of Moebius Celtic Knot. Does the tangle in the background have a name? I got the idea from a couple of the Moebius Sydrome submissions. It looked easy but it wasn't. 

This challenge was posted by Laura Harms at Diva Challenge 104.
The string for it can be found here.

Do you think you might like a Zentangle puzzle? If so, view my post at Zentangle Puzzle 1.

Update: The name of the background tangle is NEURON. Thanks Jana for the information.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zentangle Puzzle 1

This kaleidoscope was generated with Kaleidoscope Creator from a zentangle drawing. The original Zentangle was posted on Laura Harms blog. It came from one of her challenges. Can you guess which challenge it came from and which tangler drew it? When you think you have guessed the challenge, then, for a quick search for the tangler, view the slideshow for that challenge at  at Diva Challenges 2012.

 If you know the answer please leave a comment. There are no prizes for getting it right but if you thought this was fun, I would like to know. I have plenty more where this came from and I could post some more puzzles.

Zendala Dare 42

Tangles used: Down Under (adaptation), Mooka, Hypnotic, Sonnenband, Shattuck, Zewm. Just scraps of the last four in the outside border.

Once again I used the small square template. It is quite challenging to work in miniature. 

The template for this zendala was given by Erin at The Bright Owl

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Diva Challenge 103 - Moebius

I had this Hollibaugh idea for this challenge but on a 3.5 inch tile it was hard to find tangles that would work in the small spaces of the Hollibaugh. Also my purple pen had a wide nib. Still, I managed it in the end.

This challenge was set by Laura at I am the Diva.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Zendala Dare 41

Hi fellow tanglers. If you have looked at my dare posts before you will notice that I now have a BLOG. Hopefully this will make it easier for folks to leave comments ;-)

The template for this dare was provided by Erin at The Bright Owl.

I really liked this template and found it easy to decide what tangles to use. This is the smallest template - the 3.5 inch sqare. This is only the second time I have used the small one. I was so pleased when I saw that the flash made the sparkles in the pepper show up. The tangle in the border is one that I invented to please my 8-year-old grandson. He wanted one called "Fang". This is what I came up with. Here are my instructions for drawing it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Welcome quilters and tanglers.

For my first post on my brand new blog here is a new zentangle.

If you would like to see my other zentangles that I drew prior to having this blog, click on the Zentangle Gallery button. From now on everything I add to this gallery will be posted here. My Quilt Gallery button doesn't lead anywhere yet but it soon will.